Saturday, April 18, 2009

Jenn Perricone Takes Names; Tim Campbell Needs a Name Tag

Treasurer and el presidente elect Jenn Perricone has been owning the collegiate race scene, complete with a 3rd place finish today at the Wisconsin Road Race. This is what she had to say about the RR:

"I should've won. After pulling more than half the race and chasing down all the attacks, I got some bad positioning for the sprint and couldn't take care of business. I am enraged."

Tim got dropped...again. After 55 miles of pain, Tim popped off the back of the race.

"Well, if it makes me feel any better 40ish people popped off the back before me, but I still popped. Its lame, I need to get better...and some results, its kind of depressing getting dropped all the time."

Tim, Jenn, and Nate, the D All-Star that rolls with the club will be racing tomorrow at the Trek Store Crit in downtown Maddtown. MJ^2 will also being rolling. Updates tomorrow.

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